A autora que é um Fenômeno está de volta!!!!!!

Vocês sabem que dia é hoje?

Errou quem disse que é o dia dos namorados nos EUA!!!! Eu sei, é o dia mais romântico que tem lá fora.

Mas hoje é um dia muito importante: O Louca por Você fez tanto sucesso, que, hoje, está tendo sua capa lançada oficialmente de forma internacional. O Bebê da A. C. Meyer está crescendo e saindo de casa!!!!!

É muito emoção!!!!!!


Crazy for You
After Dark Series - Book 01


He was everything she always dreamed of...

Julie Walsh was in love with Daniel Stewart her whole life, but he always saw her as his sister. Until the day fate decided to give her a hand and gave Julie the opportunity of shaking Danny's life and heart.

He didn't want to fall in love....

Daniel repressed his feelings for many years. Without interest of investing time in serious relationships, enjoying his life with a different girl each day, dedicating his real feelings to the success of his bar, the After Dark. Until the day fate gave him a hit in the head and a shake in his heart, showing him that the little girl that he always treated like a sister, is in reality, the one who will make him think of a "happily ever after".

But when Daniel finally decided to give a chance to this crazy sentiment that fueled his mind and body, he stumbles with a big stone in his path: Alan, the hot guitarrist of The Band, who tries to win Julie's heart.

Will Julie's dream come true and finally have Danny's love or is Alan her real Prince Charming, who'll come rescue her with his guitar?

*Attention: this book contain high doses of romance, funny situations, hot guys and a fabulous gay friend*



Hoje é o lançamento da capa de Crazy for You, a versão em inglês de Louca por Você, que será lançada em Março!

Vamos ajudar a querida A. C. Meyer (vulgo Diva) a espalhar pelo mundo o nosso amor por Danny, Zach, Rafe, Alan e George!

Para incentivar, ela liberou um sorteio de um super kit do livro O primeiro Natal de Danny e Julie, com livro autografado, marcadores e uma bolsinha super fofa com a capa do livro.

Eu quero!!!!!!

E vocês???

Vamos às regras?

1) Trocar a foto do perfil no facebook pelo período de 14 a 21/02, pela capa do livro em inglês.

2) Marcar na foto da capa 5 amigos, preferencialmente internacionais (já que o livro é em inglês, né? kkkkkkk)

3) Clique no link para se inscrever no sorteio.

4) Curta a pagina em inglês: AuthorA C Meyer

Não resisti!!!!!


Teaser 1:

I look around and find George jumping and waving like crazy, it is so funny, he looks hilarious doing that, he’s like a girl that just got a new Barbie. 

“Little girl, you ROCKED, beautiful, diva, everything.”, I still laughing when he hugs me tight, so tight, that I can’t even breath.

“Thank you George, let me get some water.”, Nice excuse to get rid of that tight hug.

“Wait, where is Jo? So, tell me, did you like it? Did I sing out of tune? Oh God, I was soooo nervous.”

“Jo went outside to answer a call, she’s so secretive lately with that phone. Said it was work, yeah, work at Saturday night, close to midnight, sure. You were wonderful, perfect. People are all talking about your voice. Ahhhh if I wasn’t gay, I would get you. I never knew you were so naturally sexy”.

I smile all happy with his comment, thinking, how wonderful was to realize my dream, then a dark thought crosses my head.

“I hope Danny doesn’t make me stop singing here. It would kill me”.

“Julie, he can even try, but after tonight, if you don’t sing here, you can sing anywhere you want. People are going to talk about your show for a long time.”, he says. “Oh, and Kellan “Alan” Kyle, couldn’t take his eyes off of you. I would take advantage of that and use that hot, tattooed body to get rid of the spider webs.”, he blinks. “I heard so many things about the way he plays that guitar, if you know what I mean.”

“Shit, George. You should wait for me to finish my drink before saying something like that.”, I say spitting water all over and laughing, trying to put myself together. It’s very hard to be a lady, with a friend like that by your side.

Teaser 2:
The barista call our names and when we get our Vanilla Cappuccinos, I hear somebody saying.

“Wow, I can’t believe my eyes, Juliette, the hottest singer out there.”

I turn around confused, to find Alan smiling at me.

“Alan, what a surprise.”, I get closer to kiss his cheek. Oh my, he smells so good. Oops, the little rascal moves his head and almost kissed me on the lips. I try to move away, but he stops me, whispering in my ear.

“Beautiful, this time was on the corner of you mouth, but next time you won’t scape.”

OMG!!! I blushed turning fifty shades of red.

“Alan…”, I started.

“No, don’t say anything. You must know I’m crazy for you, you’ll come around, I’m a patient guy.”

“Alan…”, I try again.

“Shhhhhh.”, He puts a finger on my lips. “Now, I want to let you know that our duet was a huge success. Fever has thousands of views on YouTube.”


“I talked to Rafe today and he told me that some agent will come to the After Dark to watch our show on Friday, seems like somebody told him about the show and he’s coming to meet us. Cool, right?”

“Wow, that’s wonderful!”, I got so happy, that I hug him. He hugs me tight and I fell protected in his arms. OK, he’s not as strong as Danny, but yet muscular. I try to get away, but he holds me tight.

“I love your spontaneity.”, he says. “And your perfume and your taste…”, then he kisses and licks my neck.

Oh, sweet Jesus, this man wants to drive me crazy. Did you see that? I shiver and jump away from him.

“Yeah, well, these are some awesome news, but we got to go, right George?”, I look at George and he’s holding our cups with his mouth open. “It was so good to see you Alan. Send me an email with the songs you want to play on Friday. Bye.”

He smiles, winks and shakes his head.

“Ok, Beautiful, I’ll send you the email…And Julie? Friday you’ll be mine.”

I smile back a little shy, grab my coffee and leave with my two friends behind me.

I reach the fourth level where the parking lot is, running like I was trying to escape a plague. George stops, laughing at me. Great, just what I need.

“Little girl, I’m not sure what just happened there. But if I was a real girl, what unfortunately I’m not, I would wet my panties.”

“George!!!!!”, I yell in shock.

“Baby, he licked your neck. Jo, did you see that, a real lick?”

“I sure did.”, She smiles.

“If I were you, baby, I would lick all of him, inch by inch. And I’m pretty sure he has a place with lots of inches.”, He says raising his brow.


“What? I’m just telling you the truth. Jo? How are your panties?”

“Burning hot.”, She says and they laugh.

I run to the car and they follow me, still laughing.

I need to get home fast and take a cold shower.

Agora em Português!!!!

Ele era tudo que ela queria...
Julie Walsh foi apaixonada por Daniel Stewart a vida inteira, mas ele só a via como sua irmãzinha. Até que o destino resolve dar uma mãozinha e dá a Julie a oportunidade de balançar a vida e o coração de Danny.
Ele não queria se apaixonar...
Daniel reprimiu seus sentimentos por muitos anos. Sem interesse em investir em relacionamentos sérios, aproveitava a vida com uma garota diferente a cada dia, investindo seu real sentimento no sucesso do seu bar, o After Dark.
Até que o destino lhe dá uma pancada na cabeça e um sacolejar no coração e mostra que a garotinha que ele sempre tratou como sua irmãzinha, é na verdade, aquela que pode fazer ele começar a pensar em "para sempre". Mas quando Daniel resolve dar uma chance para esse estranho sentimento que se apodera dele, ele esbarra com uma pedra em seu caminho: Alan, o guitarrista da The Band, que resolve tentar conquistar o coração de Julie.
Será que Julie vai realizar seus sonhos e finalmente ficará com Danny, ou será que Alan é o seu verdadeiro Príncipe Encantado, que virá resgatá-la com sua guitarra?
Atenção: este livro contém altas doses de romance, situações hilárias, homens gostosos e um amigo gay fodástico e apaixonante!!!!!

Author Bio:

AC Meyer is 33 years old and she is a real book lover.

Not satisfied with just reading, her restless mind decided to write her own happy endings.
When she is not connect to her books or the internet, A. C. enjoys laughing with her mother, chatting in the company of friends or watching romantic comedies with her own Prince.
Her literary inspirations include authors such as Emma Chase, Sophie Kinsella and Kristen Proby, romantic icons of world literature.

Crazy For You is her first novel, and it is part of the After Dark Series.

Social Media Links:

 Acompanhem o Cantinho: Final de Semana Especial Autora A.C. Meyer!!!!!!!!!

8 comentários

  1. Oi! Não conhecia a autora, mas o livro parece muito bom. Crazy for you é um nome muito show, e bem forte. Espero um dia ler!

  2. Gostei da novidade Cila e aproveito para parabenizar a autora pelos frutos do seu trabalho. Esse livro tem uma uma premissa ótima. Beijo!

  3. Oie, tudo bom?
    Não conhecia a autora e o livro. Amo romances e adorei a capa desse livro.

  4. Estou com esse livro aqui, preciso ler! *-*
    Ficou linda a capa internacional <3

  5. Eu sou louca para ler este livro, mas ainda não consegui arrumar tempo... kkkkk
    Adorei a ideia do sorteio, estou participando e vou ajudar a divulgar amiga.
    Sempre ouço falar muito bem do livro, e fico muito feliz de ver uma autora brasileira se aventurado lá fora. Vou torcer para que dê tudo certo e ela faça muito sucesso!
    Lia Christo

  6. Lindo neh!!! Amei a novidade! A autora sabe! Sou fã e desejo todo o sucesso para ela!
    Bonito post!

  7. Oii tudo bem?
    Não conhecia esse livro nem a autora, mas fico muito feliz por ela :D
    Que tudo dê certo!


  8. Eu fico muito feliz pelo sucesso da A. C. Meyer! Ela representa a qualidade dos nossos autores e quão longe eles podem ir. :) Desejo que os "gringos" a valorizem como merece! (rs)
    E que você tenha muito sucesso em retribuição à sua dedicação, flor, como blogueira!
